GCCA News or Announcements

Celebrate Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn) with GCCA《共度中秋佳节》

With crip air flowing and leaves turning gold, traditional Chinese Moon Festival is fast approaching.

Greenville Chinese Culture Association cordially invites you joining us to celebrate cheerful Moon Festival.

Event Date: September 21st, 2024 (Saturday)          Time: 11 AM -  3 PM

Event Address: Furman Amphitheater,3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC 29613

Event Parking: Free onsite parking

Event activities: 

Event tickets:

Free for current GCCA members

Non-member one-time tickets: $10 / Single;   $30 / Family;  $5 / Elementary student

Or become new member: $30 / single member;  $50 / family member (all GCCA events free and enjoy discounts from local Chinese stores for one year)

Don't miss this fun event and we hope to see you there.

please enjoy beautiful golden Autumn with your family. Chinese celebrate Moon Festival in belief of family members love each other and live in peaceful, harmony and prosperous life. 

Greenville Chinese Culture Association


2024年9月21日 格林维尔华人协会主办的中秋户外庆祝活动:



地点:Furman Amphitheater,3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC 29613





热忱欢迎绿城华人携家人朋友参加此次活动。 如果您希望交更多的朋友,来到华人大家庭,千万不要错过这个活动!




Celebrate the year of Dragon with GCCA《迎庆龙年 共度佳节》


    Farewell to the fascinating year of the rabbit, let's welcome the year of the mighty dragon. GCCA cordially invites 

    our members and friends to    celebrate the Chinese New Years with us.

    Date: February 17, 2024  (Saturday)           Time: 10AM-3PM




 Address:   地点:

BCBC - Brushy Creek Baptist Church (ARC Gym)

4999 Old Spartanburg Road, Taylor SC 29687

Activities:                                                               活动内容:

President's greetings                                             会长刘罡新春祝福致词;

Dragon performance by Team of the dragon         “龙之队”进行舞龙表演;

Lady's folk dances with return of the team            久违了的女士舞蹈队的精彩表演;

Misc interactive games                                          各类斗智斗勇、精彩刺激的游戏、竞技比赛;

Chorus from GCCC                                               华人教会合唱团表演合唱

Dumpling making                                                  包饺子比赛;

Lunch Buffet                                                         午餐(餐馆预订送达),聊天交流;

Karaoke                                                               卡拉OK演唱;

Photos with the dragon                                        与彩龙合影;

Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ Announcement from the Greenville Chinese Culture Association 

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar with a full moon at night. On this day, the Chinese believe that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn

The Mid-Autumn Festival is here again, and we miss our loved ones especially during this festive season. At the same time, the autumn air in September is so refreshing, which also represents the perfect timing for enjoying outdoor activities. To celebrate the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival, Greenville Chinese Culture Association (GCCA) will hold a festive Mid-Autumn BBQ event. Activities include: Outdoor barbecue, sharing of various delicious food customized by the restaurant, moon cakes tasting, children outdoor games, and connecting with old and new friends. 

Event Time: September 30 (Saturday), 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: Lincoln Park, 169 Harnitha Ln., Taylors, SC 

The fees are as follows: It is free for members of the GCCA. 

Non-members $15/person, $30/household; 

Join the Chinese Association as a member on site: $30/person, $50/household, and enjoy the future events as a GCCA member throughout the year. 

GCCA warmly welcomes everyone to attend this event with their families and friends. 

华人头条南北卡罗莱纳站报道】Star EV南北卡2023年中秋网络大联欢活动将于9月23日上午10点开幕!这是南北卡艺术团第四年举办中秋大联欢活动,前三次都非常成功,深受好评和喜爱。此次是COVID-19后举行的第一次,其中不乏已参加前三次活动的“老演员”,也有很多新面孔的加入。节目丰富多彩,非常值得期待。还有一些美国朋友的积极参与,他们对中国文化很热爱,这个活动也给他们一个展现的舞台。他们会用中文来唱歌,朗诵,还会演奏《黄河颂》等中国乐曲。

此次活动盛莉女士为总导演,还特别有幸请到国内知名演员张潇恒和杨梅夫妇作为这场节目的艺术总监及主持人。活动筹备差不多半年之久,导演组的工作人员都是在繁忙的工作之余,利用业余时间筹划这台文艺盛会。此次活动得到南北卡艺术团和南北卡商会还有冠名赞助商Star EV的大力支持。特别感谢张潇恒和杨梅夫妇,艺术团团长汪筱娟,副团长霍登伟, 商会会长王晴, Star Ev CEO张怀珍,President胡骏。


时间:2023年9月23日 10:00 上午 东部时间(美国和加拿大)

加入 Zoom 会议:


会议号:948 407 3723




第九届Greer国际节于春暖花开的4月29日隆重举办。来自世界各地、在此繁衍生息的人们,汇聚在Greer City Hall Park,共同欢度节日,处处洋溢着融洽喜庆的气氛。活动现场处处人头攒动,精彩的文艺演出、化妆游行和各类娱乐活动,赢得此起彼伏的掌声;众多工艺品和各国特色产品售卖摊位,吸引人们驻足欣赏欣赏和选购;供应各式美食的近10辆大型流动餐车前,总有一队队食客在轮候。本次盛会有40多个国家特色展台,每个展台风格各异,让人目不暇接。细细品味,你会发现各参展方都匠心别具,力求最佳,比如以激越音乐吸引观众的韩国展台、印度展台,冰球无处不在的加拿大展台,展示各色艳丽和服的日本展台,处处“绿意盎然”的爱尔兰展台等等。本地华协积极组织参与了各项活动,利用展台展示了富具中国特色的书法、国画、服饰、工艺折扇、婚俗用品等,无论精美还是古朴,都吸引人们久久驻足,细细品味,从中探究中国的悠久历史与文化.本次国际节,使人看到了博大的世界,也看到了不一样的Greer:一个与各国联系更紧密的Greer,一个更蓬勃发展、宜居宜业宜人的Greer。


一年一度的春节又到了!春节承载了华人千年的文化,它是我们辞旧迎新,展望未来的时刻。一年之计在于春,华协在此邀请您与家人朋友一起1/28 周六上午11点到Sterling School (Gym and Cafeteria)参加2023兔年迎新活动,感受浓浓的“年味儿”。带上孩子一起来共庆新年,让下一代看到这边的华人如何庆祝新年。让他们知道我们华人在美国文化也有一席之地,重视和保留自己的背景、语言、文化和传统,让孩子们打开心房,将最美好的祝愿送给身边的每一人。今年的庆祝活动非常丰富,除了京剧、小品、合唱、游戏、武术、扇舞等之外,还有丰盛的美食等着大家,绝对是大家联络感情、互道平安的最佳时机。玉兔迎春至,黄莺报喜来,让我们零距离地接触象征吉祥的福兔,让喜庆的气氛带我们携手进入“鸿兔大展”的2023!

January 28th, 2023

On January 28th, 2023, the Greenville Chinese Culture Association (GCCA), Greenville Chinese School and Eastlink Chinese-English Bilingual School hosted the Chinese 2023 New Year celebration (Year of the Rabbit) at Sterling School. More than 400 people including members of the Association, local Chinese families and American friends participated in the event.

The school was newly decorated - ribbons with auspicious words such as "fish, rabbit, blessing" were hung around the entrance. Traditional red Spring Festival Dui-Lian brought us festive atmosphere. Before the official theatrical performance that feasts the “eyes", let’s satisfy the “stomach" first! The cafeteria was full of traditional Chinese dishes (Yangzhou fried rice, Lo mein, salt and pepper shrimps, crispy chicken wings, cumin lamb, vinegar cucumber, braised pork ribs, ground three delicacies, etc.).

Following the sound of music at the beginning of the cultural performance, the dragon dance team of the Chinese school first appeared around and on the stage. The giant dragon soared into the sky and rolled up and down, and suddently there was a thunderous applause! Dragon dance is a traditional Chinese custom and symbolizes prosperity! Mr. Liu Gang, the president of GCCA, delivered a speech on behalf of the Chinese Association right after. He extended sincere New Year wishes to all the guests attending the ceremony. Various programs followed: dance, martial arts, GuZheng, Tai Chi and other traditional Chinese programs conquered the guests. Finally, 10 lucky winners received prizes from a good luck lottery.

The success of this event once again demonstrates the atmosphere and strength of unity and cooperation in our Chinese community. We come from Greenville, care about Greenville, and serve Greenville. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and all our friends who supported and participated in this event and wishing you a prosperous and healthy year of Rabbit!

       华协使命          华协团队​       

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